Pink Gums for a New Year

Most of us have heard the term gingivitis. It’s been used in Listerine TV commercials for decades. Few of us, however, know what it is. ...

Toothaches Are a Pain!

Toothaches are not unusual — everyone has a toothache to some degree at one time or another. And while most toothaches pass, if they worsen ...

Bing Would Love this White Christmas

Last year we all missed out on many of our normal holiday parties and other get togethers thanks to COVID. This year, as we put ...

End of the Year. Time to Use Up Your Dental Insurance

There’s a lot to think about this time of year. Gift lists. Party invitations. End of year work deadlines. And whether you have dental insurance left that ...

Partial Dentures Can Be a Total Solution

Today’s dentures are nothing like those made fun of in cartoons or what you read about with George Washington. Modern dentures are far more comfortable ...

We Place Crowns Faster than the Royal Family

The Crown is a popular show on Netflix detailing the rise of Queen Elizabeth. But since England in those days wasn’t exactly famous for its good ...

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